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Why Nokia Is Reviving Old Phones

Nokia, once a brand name which was a synonym for mobile phone lost its charm to the wind of iOS and Android. Not so long ago, it was resurrected by HMD Global. If you are following Nokia, you will know that it is reviving old Nokia phones. First, they revived the classic Nokia 3310 also known as The Brick Phone (I call it Mjolnir “Thor’s Hammer”) and now the Banana Phone Nokia 8110 which was popularised by the Hollywood Movie “The Matrix”. The question is WHY NOKIA IS REVIVING OLD PHONES? The first reason I can think about is ATTENTION. People still love the Nokia brand, they are somehow emotionally attached to the brand. It doesn’t matter whether or not they are going to use the phone, but they will still purchase it and Nokia knows that. This makes perfect sense, knowing your customers is the key to success. The second-best reason is FORGETTING THE PAST (History). Nokia + Microsoft = FAILURE, we all know that. It wasn’t the OS that sucks, but it was the app store. The success o

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